
Czech Carrom Association

The Czech Carrom Association was founded in 2010 to promote carrom in this country. Carrom began to be played on an organised basis here in 2006, when Czechs travelling in India brought back carrom boards and set up leagues in Pardubice and Prague. The first international Carrom Open Cup was held in Prague in 2006, and has been repeated every year since. 2011 saw the launch of the Czech National Championships and in the same year the CCA became a member of the European Carrom Confederation.
In 2017 we became full members of the International Carrom Federation (ICF).

Czech Carrom Association
Adrress: Melnicka 4/624, Praha 5 - 150 00
account number: 250250256/5500
IC: 228 74 551

© Czech Carrom Association - designed by Polmen - created by Šéfik